

While visiting the Greenbelt City Community Arts Center I had the opportunity to speak with an artist-in-residence. She is a professor at UMBC and works on the costume design for Prince George's Community College. By listening to her descriptive details of set design and costume design I was able to visualize theatre as a collaborative effort. At first one might consider the actors, playwright, and set design. The professor helped me to understand what happens behind the closed curtains. I was able to look at costumes and other work the artist created. The professor told me that the costume designer collaborates with the set designer as well as the lighting specialist. The production of a play is truly technical and multi-layered. Periodically the professor has to meet with the groups named above to reconsider color combinations, clothing patterns, props and much more. On a larger scale this collaborative work must be exhausting but yields great rewards. I imagine that the art department in primary and secondary schools must collaborate with other departments such as the maintenance crew to compose a successful play. 

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